Thursday, April 17, 2014

They Ran to Announce

At the Easter vigil we hear a series of stories relating to the unfolding of salvation history: The creaton story,  the flood, Abraham and Isaac, the deliverance from Egypt and other integral aspects of what the great Jewish theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel called, "God in search of man."  These culminate in God's invitation to all who would come, to participate in the divine life for all eternity: "everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you that have no money, come, buy and eat!"  (Isa. 55:1)  Sealing and confirming that invitation, the resurrection of Jesus Christ ranks as history's most revolutionary event. 

After Jesus' resurrection, we hear in today's readings that the two women "ran to tell" of Christ's final, culminating act.  Easter transformed these women, and later, the other disciples in to messengers of where to find the living waters and the food for which we can never pay.  Easter then, can and should transform us too.  We too can be transformed into those who "run to tell" of, not only Jesus' resurrection, but also how he is resurrected in us and how his resurrection can resurrect others.

We "run to tell" in our words; in telling others how our faith has transformed us and inviting others to faith.  We "run to tell" when we, in his name, challenge injustice in the world.  We "run to tell" when we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give water to the thirsty, care for the poor, visit those in prison.  We "run to tell" when we remember and fulfill our baptismal promises.

Easter needs to be transformative but that transformation is not for our own spiritual security alone.  It's not a religious IRA or insurance policy.  It is a trust account that we hold for the benefit of others, for truly, we can only keep what we give away.

Happy Easter

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